Sunday, January 26, 2020

North Carolinas Position on Vaccine Preventable Diseases

North Carolinas Position on Vaccine Preventable Diseases In Northern Carolina, it is very difficult to find diseases that are preventable through the use of a vaccine. This is because of an efficient vaccination program that normally targets its citizens at a younger age, as well as a constant monitoring of the emergence of diseases that are preventable through vaccination programs. It is the philosophy of the State of Northern Carolina to continuously vaccinate diseases that are also under control, for purposes of ensuring that they do not re-emerge. This includes diseases such as polio and measles (Department of Health, 2014). Furthermore, the health department of Northern Carolina would always seek to ensure that the vaccination record of a child is checked once the child under consideration enrolls in a school, or a child care facility. It is important to provide an explanation that a child is not allowed to enroll in a school, whether it is private, religious, or even public without the same child receiving all immunizations that are appropriate and useful for their age. This policy is aimed at reducing the chances of a child to acquire diseases that are preventable through vaccination, as well as reducing the chances of such a disease spreading to vulnerable children. It is the following ailments that the state of North Carolina actively vaccinates its citizens against, HPV, Hepatitis A, and B, Diphtheria, Anthrax, Influenza, Mumps, Rabies, Tetanus, Typhoid, etc (Department of Health, 2014). Furthermore, for purposes of turning this vaccination policy into a success, the Government of North Carolina has developed a vaccination schedule that all health care agencies must follow while vaccinating children under the ages of 18 years. This schedule contains the identification of the ages in which children are supposed to be given certain doses of the vaccine, and identifies the type of vaccine to be administered. These vaccination schedules do not only identify the vaccination programs of children, but they also identify the vaccination programs of adults. Cohort Study Data: In the medical field, a cohort study is always used to obtain evidence for purposes of disapproving the existence of an association between the causes and effects of a disease or medical condition. It is important to provide an explanation that by failing to disapprove an hypothesis, then chances are high people will start having confidence in it. It is important to understand that the cohort study can be a useful method in reporting on HPV, and tracking the disease. This is because scientists will identify a particular group of people, who are not infected with the HPV disease and thereafter conduct a study on the people who acquire the HPV disease (CDC, 2014). This would help in coming up with the characteristics and behaviors of these people, and hence develop a plan, based on their behaviors and characteristics on how to treat, as well as prevent the development and the spread of the HPV disease. It is important to provide an explanation that the results of the cohort study regarding the emergence of HPV are accurate, mainly because this study has been conducted over a long period of time, and data has been collected at regular intervals, reducing any chances of errors. A cohort study can also be used for purposes of analyzing the effects of HPV on the victims and the society, and thereafter provide a report on the best methods of minimizing the effects of these medical condition on the society. Take for instance; various findings from cohort studies indicate that stigma is one of the associated effects of HIV AIDS (CDC, 2014). On this basis, conducting a cohort study will enable policy makers to know the effects of HPV on the society, and hence come up with ways and means of solving the problem. It is important to understand that a cohort study will identify the environmental agents that play a role in accelerating the negative impact of HPV. Without this knowledge, it would be impossible for policy makers to come up with a solution on how to tackle the negative effect of HPV on an individual, as well as the society. Finally, researchers can use the Cohort study to calculate the exposure of risk in contaminating HPV that different groups have. This is because the cohort study will start by studying people who are not infected with HPV, after which it will study the people affected with the HPV, from the same group. This would help the researcher to come up with a report that calculates the absolute, relative, and attributable risks of people. Policy makers can thereafter use these calculations for purposes of developing a policy aimed at preventing the spread and emergence of HPV. Efficacy of Cardiovascular Diseases: Cardiovascular Diseases includes diseases such as stroke, heart attack, and other ailments of the circulatory system. In Northern Carolina, stroke and heart diseases contribute to the fourth and second largest killer diseases or ailments. In total, cardiovascular diseases were the largest killer diseases in Northern Carolina. This was as per the statistics of the year 2012. It is important to provide an understanding that the mortality rates in Northern Carolina are higher than the national average mortality rate. However, over the years, the differences between these rates have reduced, with North Carolina depicting a decrease of more than 50%. For instance, in the year 1979, the mortality rate of North Carolina due to cardiovascular diseases was 555 deaths, for every 100,000 people. This reduced to 242 deaths, for every 100,000 people. Furthermore, over the last ten years, the mortality rate due to cardio vascular diseases in North Carolina has remained equal with that of the average national government (Government of North Carolina, 2014). This is an indication that the strategies employed by North Carolina to prevent the spread, as well as the emergence of these diseases are taking shape. Despite these improvements, the rate of stroke in North Carolina is very high in the United States as a whole. North Carolina has the 10th largest mortality rate of stroke in the country. On this basis, there are efforts of reducing the emergence of stroke in the country, and this is through improving an access of gaining services in caring for the patients with stroke, as well as initiating preventive measures such as education forums that promote healthy living. Furthermore, to increase efficiency in further reducing the emergence of cardiovascular diseases, there is a need of following the following steps; Carrying out education clinics for purposes of educating the public on the need of healthy living, and using proper diets. Sponsoring research, for the main aim of developing new methods of fighting the disease as well as treatment methods. Partnering with the local communities, and all stakeholders of health, for purposes of coming with suitable measures of preventing the occurrence and spread of the disease. Improving the health sector, through building of more hospitals, training medical experts who specialize in this field, as well as improving an access to medical facilities in the state. Making it mandatory for people to be medically screened on a monthly basis. Steps to take when utilizing Cohort study design in following CVD: There are four important steps to take when utilizing a cohort study design in following the emergence of the disease; these steps include the following (Community Guide, 2014), Describing the situation: This involves providing a description on the intentions of the cohort study, the type of people used for purposes of the study. Furthermore, this step involves identifying the patterns, as well as the frequencies of the occurrence of the disease in terms of person, place and time of diagnoses. Examining the Determinants: This involves the search of the factors or causes that has been associated with an increase in the probability of the development of the disease. This involves asking questions such as what, who, where, and when. Furthermore, this also involves asking questions such as why, and how. Health Related problems. Identification of other health related problems that relate to the emergence of cardiovascular diseases. This is for purposes of developing an effective design that will be effective in serving its purpose. Population; Identifying the right population, who are not infected with the disease, for the purpose of conducting the cohort study. It is important to understand that a right population matter, in the sense that they would determine whether the study is successful or not. References: CDC. (2014, March 20). Genital HPV Infection Fact Sheet. Centers for Disease Control and  Prevention. Retrieved May 24, 2014, from Government of North Carolina. (n.d.). Chronic Disease and Injury Section. DPH:. Retrieved  May 24, 2014, from Department of Health. (n.d.). Vaccine Preventable Diseases. NC DPH, WCH: Immunization:  Family:. Retrieved May 24, 2014, from Community Guide. (n.d.). Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Control: Team-Based Care to  Improve Blood Pressure Control. The Community Guide-Summary-Cardiovascular Disease: Team-Based Care to Improve Blood Pressure Control. Retrieved May 24, 2014,  from

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Food Quality Essay

* Relates to excellent product or services that fulfills or exceeds our expectations Food Quality * Includes all attributes that influence product’s value to the consumers. This includes, Negative attributes (e. g. spoilage, contamination with filth, discoloration, off odors & flavors; Positive attributes (e. g. origin, color, flavor, texture and processing method used. -Food Quality is a term which may refer to several things: ¦ the extent to which food contains the nutrients that match the kind and quantity of the nutritional needs of the person consuming the food  ¦ the extent to which the food is attractive in appearance & taste  ¦ the extent to which food is free from pathogenic bacteria & undesirable materials such as insecticides & antibiotic residues, etc FOOD QUALITY 1. Composite of characteristics/ attributes which differs from one unit to another 2. Totality of features/ characteristics of a product that bear on its ability to satisfy a given need: Needs: Safety Usability Availability Economics. Maintainability Environment Reliability 3. Uniformity, consistency and conformity to a given standard or specifications 4. A statement of what the user wants & what the manufacturer can provide 5. â€Å"Fitness for use†, â€Å"satisfaction level of costumers† Other Ways of Describing Quality 1. Fast selling brand of a food product might be labeled as â€Å"Extra Special Quality† 2. Products that are sold abroad may be termed as â€Å"Export Quality† 3. Some consumers may gauge quality in terms of brand popularity 4. From the large producer’s point of view, quality may mean product reliability. Small manufacturers – reliability may not be a concern, their concern is more on sell of the products. 5. In a seller’s market situation, product availability means quality Quality of Food is Based on the following: 1. Raw material – the quality of finished product is dependent on the quality of raw material 2. Sensory quality – food quality detectable by our senses can be categorized into 3: – appearance – texture – flavor 3. Microbiological quality – raw material and products should be free from toxin-producing microorganism QUALITY CONTROL Is Doing Things Right. THE FIRST TIME AND EVERYTIME Quality Control can also be defined as a. maintenance of specified finished product characteristics every time it is manufactured b. efficient control of raw material and of production process c. object of quality control is to produce a quality which: – satisfies the consumers; as cheap as possible; can be delivered in time to meet delivery requirement d. is the function or collection of duties which must be performed throughout an organization in order to achieve its quality objectives Stages of Quality Control 1. Set the specifications. a. Exactly what the customer or market expects b. Price at which product can be sold c. Delivery date d. Capability of equipment/ machines e. Capability of available inspection and test equipment 2. Prepare to manufacture a. Decide how to process the product b. Decide what equipment to use c. Specify the quality of raw materials and possible suppliers d. The in-line personnel e. Plan inspection and in-process quality control 3. Actual Processing/ Manufacture 4. Correction of quality defects 5. Provide long-term quality control planning Defects in Foods Defect. – perceptible deviation from product specs that makes product less fit, or unfit for consumption – the lack of something essential or required; or an imperfection – can occur singly or as a composite of several deviations Sources: 1. Raw material – biological system that deteriorates over time. 2. Personnel – staff’s commitment to their work and their ability to perform their task well. 3. In-process problems – quality loss due to poor understanding of processing methods and use of inadequate machines – due to lack of staff training Evidences of Defects Prevention Program: 1. Quality raw materials 2. Reduction of processing losses 3. Drop in the volume of rejects What is HACCP? * Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points * Prevention-based food safety system * A systematic approach to the identification, assessment of risk, and severity and control of biological, chemical and physical hazards associated with a particular food production process or practice (US FDA CFSAN, 2000) Two Important Terms * HAZARDS * CRITICAL CONTROL POINTS HAZARDS * Any biological, chemical, or physical property that may cause an unacceptable consumer health risk. * 3 major hazards. * Biological * Chemical * Physical -Biological Hazards * These organisms are commonly associated with humans and with raw products entering the food manufacturing facility. * Bacteria, foodborne viruses, parasites * Examples: * Salmonella, Listeria, Staphylococcus * Hepatitis A and Norwalk Viruses * Trichinella -Chemical Hazards * Chemical contaminants may be naturally occurring or may be added during the processing of the food. * Naturally Occurring Chemicals * Toxins from molds (aflatoxin) * Allergenic Proteins * Added Chemicals * Agricultural chemicals * Industrial chemicals. * Ingredients: Flavors enhancers, colors, preservatives -Physical Hazards * Foreign and extraneous materials * Foreign Materials * Anything that does not naturally occur in the food material * Hair, fingers (fingernails), plastic, metal filings, jewelry, gum etc. * Extraneous Materials * Anything that naturally occurs in the food but should not be there * Pits, seeds, peel, stems Critical Control Points * CCP’s * Process steps in specific food systems in which loss of control may result in an unacceptable health risk 7 Principles of HACCP: 1. Identify hazards in the system 2. Determine critical control points 3. Establish critical limits 4. Establish monitoring procedures 5. Establish corrective actions 6. Establish verification procedure 7. Establish record keeping and documentation procedures Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) – set of sanitary guidelines and control for compliance to assure safety and wholesomeness of foods. Concerns: 1. Personnel 2. Plant and grounds 3. Sanitary operation 4. Sanitary facilities and control 5. Equipment and utensils 6. Process and control Cleaning and Sanitization Cleaning – an operation that will remove at least 90% of the soil or dirt. Sanitization – application of sanitizers Sanitation – over-all cleanliness of the surroundings or anything that surrounds the food Steps: a. remove the debris b. pre-rinse c. application of cleaning aids d. post rinse e. sanitizing rinse FOOD SPOILAGE / DETERIORATION Food Spoilage/Deterioration -Includes losses in organoleptic desirability, nutritional value, safety and aesthetic appeal of the food -Food is subject to physical, chemical and biological deterioration, which go hand in hand Causal Factors: -Temperature (heat and cold) * Oxygen * Moisture * Light & radiation * Time. * Natural food enzymes * Micro- and macro- organisms * Industrial contaminants * Some foods in the presence of other foods In general, deterioration is slowed down when the food is low in moisture, high in salt/sugar or acid Shelf-life and Dating of Foods Shelf-life – is the time it takes a product to decline to an acceptable level – time a product remains saleable MAQ – minimum acceptable quality for the product must be defined by the manufacturers or retailers Actual length of shelf-life is dependent on a number of factors : 1. processing methods 2. packaging. 3. storage conditions Dating – provides consumers some indication of the shelf-life or freshness of the products they buy Type of code dates include: * date of manufacture (â€Å"pack date†) * date the product was displayed (â€Å"display date†) * date by which the product should be sold (â€Å"sell by date†) * last date of maximal quality (â€Å"best used date†) * date beyond which the product is no longer acceptable (â€Å"use by date† or â€Å"expiration date†) Major Causes of Food Deterioration -often the following factors do not operate in isolation -as such, effective preservation must eliminate or minimize all of these factors in a given food to prevent/minimize deterioration 1. Growth activities and activities of microorganisms – Bacteria, yeasts, molds – Microbial growth curve * Conditions necessary for microorganisms to grow: * Source * Food residue * Moisture * Time * Temperature * Invasion of microorganisms is due to contamination which can be avoided by sanitary practices and proper processing procedures and packaging * Not all microorganisms can cause disease or food spoilage, others are useful for food processing * Food borne diseases – special kind of deterioration that may or may not alter a food’s organoleptic properties 2. Infestation by insects, parasites and rodents. * Insects destroy 5-10% annual grain crops (US), in other countries (50%) * Parasites Examples of Parasites: * Trichinella spirallis, enters hogs eating uncooked food wastes; nematodes, penetrates hog intestines and find way into the pork – Entamoeba histolytica, parasite associated to raw human excrement and can infect crops when raw human excrement is used as fertilizer -can cause amoebic dysentery * Rodents – can consume large quantities of foods and they can contaminate food by filth they carry – can spread diseases like: Salmonellosis Leptospirosis Typhoid fever Plague 3. Activities of food enzymes and other chemical reactions within food itself * food enzymes are natural in healthy, uninfected foods * activity is intensified right after harvest * activity is sometimes desirable * can be inactivated by heat, chemicals and irradiation, etc. 4. Inappropriate temperatures (heat and cold) for a given food * heat and cold – can cause deterioration if not controlled; 10-38 °C (normal working temperature) * excessive heat: denatures protein, breaks emulsion, dries out food by evaporation and destroys vitamins * uncontrolled cold: FAV are frozen – discoloration, changes in texture. – can break emulsion such as in milk – denatures milk protein – chill injury 5. Either the gain or loss of moisture – Aw and Moisture Content (needed by microorganisms for growth and by different chemical reactions) 6. Reaction with oxygen * can cause chemical oxidation of nutrients, colors, flavors * required for growth of some microorganisms * can be excluded by vacuum packaging, addition of oxygen scavengers 7. Light * can destroy some vitamins (riboflavin, A and C); deteriorates many food colors * in milk – can cause â€Å"sunlight flavors† (induced fat oxidation and changes in CHON) * Can be minimized by opaque packaging 8. Time * quality decreases with time * object is to maintain and capture freshness of foods * to prolong shelf life – adequate processing, packaging and storage Spoilage of Different Kinds of Foods 1. Bread Mold: results in discoloration of the bread Ropiness: soft and sticky to touch, caused by sporeforming bacteria, Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus licheniformis 2. Honey * high sugar(70-80%) and acidic (pH= 3. 2-4. 2) * chief cause of spoilage : Zygosaccharomyces mellis 3. Candy * not subject to microbial spoilage (high sugar and low MC) * except chocolate with soft centers (burst and may explode), cause by Clostridium spp. 4. Fruits and Vegetables * spoilage due to physical factors, action of their enzymes, microbial action or combination of these agents * microbial spoilage may be due to plant pathogen and/or saprophytic microorganisms * general type of spoilage: * bacterial soft rot (Erwinia caratova) * gray mold rot (Botrytis cinerea) * rhizopus rot (Rhizopus nigricans) * anthracnose (Colletotrichum lindemuthianum) * blue mold rot (Penicillium) * black mold rot (Aspergillus niger) 5. Fruit Juices * acidic (pH 2. 4-4. 7), all contain sugars (2-17%) * molds. * alcohol fermentation 6. Sauerkraut * inferior quality due to abnormal fermentation: high temp; low temp; too long fermentation * surface spoilage (destroy the acidity, permit other microorganisms to grow, softening, darkening and bad flavors) 7. Fresh Eggs * Defects: cracks, leaks, dirty spots on the exterior (will favor spoilage on storage) * Changes caused by microorganisms during storage: * green rot (Pseudomonas fluorescens) giving green color of the egg white * colorless rot (various microorganisms): yolk is affected 8. Meat and Meat Products. * raw meat: enzyme, microorganisms, oxidation of fats * beef: moderate amount of autolysis is desired to tenderize it, excessive autolysis (souring) * general principles: * Factors influencing invasion of tissues by microorganisms: * load in the gut of the animal * physiological condition of the animal before slaughter * method of killing and bleeding Factors affecting the growth of microorganisms in meat * kind and amount of microorganisms * physical properties of meat (exposed area, grinding) * chemical properties of the meat (MC, protein, CHO, pH). * availability of oxygen * temperature General types of spoilage in meat * aerobic condition: * surface slime (Pseudomonas, Achromobacter, Streptococcus, Leuconostoc, Bacillus, Micrococcus) * surface discoloration (Serratia marcescens, Pseudomonas, Micrococcus/Flavobacterium) * oxidation of fats * stickiness (molds) * whiskers (Thamnidium elegans, Mucor mucedo) * anaerobic condition: * putrefaction, souring Cured meats: addition of nitrates inhibit growth of microorganisms, spoilage same with fresh if stored improperly 9. Fish and Other Seafoods. * spoiled by autolysis, oxidation or bacterial activity * factors influencing spoilage: * kind of fish: flat fish vs. round fish, fatty fish deteriorates faster * condition of fish when caught: exhausted spoil rapidly * kind and extent of contamination of the fish flesh with bacteria * temperature * use of an antibiotic ice or dip evidences of spoilage: * brightness fades and dirty, yellow discoloration appears * slime on the fish increases * eyes gradually sink * gills: light pink to grayish yellow * softening of the flesh. * development of off-colors 10. Poultry * chief source of spoilage: bacteria * bacterial growth takes place on the surface and any cut surfaces and the decomposition products diffuse slowly into the meat * off-odor is noted when the bacterial count is at 2. 5 x 106 cfu/cm2 * Psuedomonas and Achromobacter * Micrococcus, Flavobacterium and Achromobacter * Surface of skin becomes slime, acid/sour odor 11. Milk Chief type of spoilage : * Souring or acid formation * Gas production * Proteolysis * Ropiness * Surface or throughout the milk.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Get the Scoop on Essay Topics 6th Graders Before Youre Too Late

Get the Scoop on Essay Topics 6th Graders Before You're Too Late When you think about problem solution writing, you will likely think of something you are conversant with. The ability to supply information in various contexts is necessary to effective communication. It doesn't make a difference to us, whether you're too busy on the job concentrating on a passion undertaking, or simply tired of a seemingly infinite stream of assignments. This issue takes them through several problems employing the same details. The Chronicles of Essay Topics 6th Graders You're building a comprehension of History and other methods of life. Getting going on a creative writing project can be challenging. Likewise, it has to be logically complete and express a particular idea. There are easy topic ideas students are somewhat more likely to write about since they will be simple to write. The Foolproof Essay Topics 6th Graders Strategy Think of what you could do in order to make your school mor e beautiful. The steps below explain to you how you are able to make the process simpler and help your son or daughter give free rein to his creativity. Don't forget, every little one learns at a different pace, so what works for some students, might not be the right approach for your son or daughter. The winter season have flown by! The Essay Topics 6th Graders Stories Slowly, especially in light of much research being done on the topic, people are beginning to observe that video games aren't bad. 1 approach to develop a superior idea is to check around the house and discover topics a 6th grader may have questions about. Driving a vehicle and a train. Drop each parachute from an identical height and use a stopwatch to record the period of time it takes each to get to the ground. The efficacy of specific baseball bats or golf clubs contributes to a collection of physics experiments. Students may use standard household objects to specify whether the sort of material a para chute is created of will impact its air resistance. These mini rockets are so simple to make and so enjoyable to set off, you will want to launch them over and over. It is possible to also become many discounts on our site which will help you to save some more money for future orders or anything you want to spend them on. When you want an example written by means of a student check out our vast group of absolutely free student models. Students will be assessed on both unit prices, as stated by the CCSS, so it's important they continue to have exposure to it. In your note describe the particular gift providing clear specifics. There is an assortment of ideas to look at that offer useful insight to encourage the most suitable selection. Wait a couple of days, then have the very first group eat and the second group fast. Following that, it's possible to recommend specific therapy. 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Learning the info is critical, but so is getting accustomed to the testing format. Children learn through various spelling activities that have many creative approaches that produce the sixth grade spelling program fun in their opinion. If you believe kids have to be motivated to practice drawing worksheets, you're incorrect! The Lost Secret of Essay Topics 6th Graders These points provide insight on the best way to pick a problem solution essay topic and possible suggestions to encourage your own. Before actually beginning to compose your essay, you need to pick an issue to write about. This blog post consists of links and summaries of a number of the very best 6th Grade books. If you have to compose a persuasive essay for your studies then one of the most crucial things to do is to produce a topic or title it's attention grabbing. The theory behind a persuasive essay is to assist the student pass their ideas through the audience. The debut of each written work ought to have a very clear thesis statement or argument. In order to be a fantastic writer, the least a student must do is start writing. Writing about the reason and effect essay topics connected to the school's popularity or surviving the initial year in college could be fine to grab the interest of your peers. As a way to accomplish this, you are going to have to learn to analyze a topic and organize your paper. The title that you select to utilize for your paper will always determine so much about any of this, so a great deal more than you may even know about. You would rather not manage the inconvenience of needing to struggle with writing a paper only to understand your focus all through has been biased.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Operations Management Case Study on Bakery Essay - 4881 Words

Contents 1. Introduction 2 2. Outline of the report 3 3. Best Bake Operational objectives 4 4. Conclusion 16 5. References 17 Introduction This report is a case study about aspects of operations management involved in a bakery. The bakery was founded in 1960s. This is one of the famous bakeries known as Best bake in south of†¦show more content†¦, pp.376-378) says that quality is a reliable performance to the customers. Goods and services are produced by an organization to meet customer requirements. A business can always be improved by managing the quality and also knowing how it can be spreaded throughout the business. It has become an important criteria in the business that has developed in the last many years. It has become a responsibility of all managers to see that the quality is implied in the business products. The customer’s perceptions and expectations defines the quality and needs to be understood in the customer point of view. It is difficult to control quality without measuring it. According to Naylor,J (1996, P.399) manufacturing and service organisations are prospered by keeping up the quality and the one who have not kept have suffered in the climate. It is particularly critical to deliver the customer with a expectation of their individual and needs and criteria. Reliability, responsiveness, tangible factors, assurance and empathy are also defined in terms of quality .It is also suggested by Russell and Taylor (2009, pp.53-55) A firm must consider how consumer defines quality as they know and compare to companies that produce better quality products. â€Å"The consumer is the most important part of the production line. Quality should be aimed at the needs of the consumer, present and future. To make sure that products and services have the quality they have been designed for, strategyShow MoreRelatedBiddys Bakery Case Study945 Words   |  4 PagesRunning Head: Biddys Bakery Case Study Biddys Bakery Case Study Name Institute Name Date The operation of Biddys Bakery was started off by Elizabeth as a hobby initially. In the beginning, the business was operating at a loss however later it was able to attain new and loyal customers. For operation of a facility for a company to be successful, planning for capacity is very important. The term capacity is defined as the maximum output rate that a facility achieves.As there was no capacityRead MoreSundown Bakery Case Study1037 Words   |  5 PagesSundown Bakery Case Study Sundown Bakery Case Study Sundown Bakery reads like a typical small business story where rapid growth can be as detrimental and hard to manage as rapid contraction. 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