Sunday, December 8, 2019
AIDS (3244 words) Essay Example For Students
AIDS (3244 words) Essay AIDSAdults (over the age of 18) from the company and other people who I know wererandomly assigned to receive the survey. The group includes married males andfemales as well as single male and females. There are 19 female and 31 malesubjects. A survey consisting of twenty statements concerning sexuallytransmitted disease and HIV infection. The survey was designed by myself . Thepurpose of the survey is to measure participants awareness of AIDS and sexuallytransmitted diseases. I am trying to show that people are not well informedabout subjects such as condom use, condom use and alcohol, transmission ofsexual diseases, and the magnitude of the AIDS problem. Subjects are asked tochoose the level with which they agree or disagree with each statement. Thereare two levels of agreement and two levels of disagreement. See appendix A. Aconsent form was signed by all participants. See appendix B. Results t-test*: t(48) = -2.2185, p * .0313 | | | df cv pv Variable N Mean Std Dev. MinimumMaximu m Q1 50 1.420 0 .810 1.00 4.00 Q10 49 1.408 0.810 1.00 4.00 Q15 50 1.320 0.621 1.00 4.00 Q3 48 3.396 0.869 1.00 4.00 Q9 50 3.240 0.822 1.00 4.00 Q6 503.220 0.834 1.00 4.00 Q16 50 3.100 0.621 1.00 4.00 Methods Subjects Adults (overthe age of 18) from the company and other people who I know were randomlyassigned to receive the survey. The group includes married males and females aswell as single male and females. There are 19 female and 21 male subjects. Agesranged from late teens to early fifties, with the majority being in theirtwenties. Independent variable Questions 6, 9, 13, and 16 on the survey. I wouldbe comfortable eating lunch with someone with HIV or AIDS. I would becomfortable shaking hands with someone who has AIDS. I am very well informedabout HIV, AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. I would not haveunprotected sex with someone unless they got tested first. Dependent Variable. Awareness and education of AIDS and sexually transmitted disease. OperationalDefinition Awareness and education of AIDS and sexually transmitted diseaseequals a total score of 12 or higher on questions 6, 9, 13, and 16 of thesurvey. Procedures A survey consisting of twenty statements concerning sexuallytransmitted disease and AIDS was given to fifty subjects. A t test was performedon the results as well as a comparison of male vs. Female scores on theAwareness and Education variable. Discussion Results of the survey have shown aneed for additional education of males concerning AIDS awareness and education. Females, (89%) did very well on the variable which was measured for satisfactoryknowledge and awareness of AIDS and sexually transmitted disease. Males, (65%)did also score well on this variable. This leaves us with 35% of the malesneeding more education and 11% of the females needing to increase thereawareness and education. The rather large number of males needing furthereducation tend to support my hypotheses that yes more education is necessary. Iwas pleased to see that on the whole, people are better informed than I hadoriginally hypothesized as demonstrated by the scores reported for specificquestion. The lowest score or strongest disagreement was on the statement thatAIDS was no longer a big issue. People also realize that just having one sexpartner at a time is not enough to protect you from AIDS as demonstrated bytheir response to number 10. The strongest agreement with statements on thesurvey concerned worrying about childrens future. This being the case, why isit that beha vior as is described in my research does not reflect this knowledge?People know what they need to do to reduce their chances of exposure to AIDS andsexually transmitted disease but they fail to do it. The research concentratedon students who are exposed to much more information about AIDS than adults whoare out of the educational system. Further education about the dangers ofunprotected sex is needed as the study suggest, but we also need to understandwhy education is not enough. We desperately need to develop behaviors which willprotect us from sexually transmitted disease and AIDS. Education Needed forAIDS, HIV and Sexually Transmitted Diseases Sexually transmitted diseases are amajor health concern for our country. With the spread of AIDS among so manypeople, both gay and heterosexual, it is important that we understand how thesediseases spread and what we can do to prevent them. Continuing efforts toeducate college students about the dangers of unprotected sex have resulted inli ttle evidence of positive change in sexual behavior (Saywer ; Moss, 93). During the 1980s, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, the cause ofAIDS, emerged as a leading cause of death in the United.States). In 1993, HIVinfection became the most common cause of death among persons aged 25-44years.(Center for Disease Control) Because of the long latency period for HIV alarge number of these people may have become infected during the ages of 18 to24 the ages of most college students. One of the national health objectives forthe year 2000 for the college age population is a reduction in unintendedpregnancy and transmission of Sexually Transmitted Diseases, including and HIV/AIDS.. Studies have shown a need for educational interventions and futurein-depth studies of college students. An example is a study which showed that agroup of college males who had a history of sexually transmitted diseases, highnumbers of sexual partners and inconsistent condom use still perceived theirrisk of HIV/AIDS infection as very low.(Sawyer and Moss, 93). College students are thought to be at high risk for Sexually Transmitted Diseases because oftheir high level of sexual activity and their potential for multiple sexpartners Studies have shown that even students who consider themselves in longterm relationships often experience casual sex with another partner ( Sawyer andMoss,93 ). Multiple partners seem to be the norm rather than the exception. Sawyer and Moss (1993), reported that 21% of the men sampled have had 2 to 3sexual partners,33% 4 to 6 partners and 39% 7 or more sexual partners. Anotherstudy reported an average of 6 different lifetime partners among female collegestudents. ( Kusseling, Wenger and Shapiro 95 ) It becomes very obvious that withthis type of activity occurring, the need for protection from STD is veryimportant. The most obvious and easiest course of action would be for collegestudents to abstain from sex, have a monogamous relationship with someone who isnot infected, or reduce the risk of infection by using condoms, but this is nothappening as the following studies have shown. Nicholas D. Ritchie, PhD, andAdelaide Getty, RN, BHS, CHES (1994). Francoise S. Kusseling, MOB; Neil S. Ten Year War Cuba EssayThe survey is completely confidential as I will not ask for your name or studentID. Number. The purpose of this survey is to better understand the need for HIVand Sexually Transmitted Diseases education. If at any time you do not feelcomfortable responding to a statement you may skip it or decide to stop takingthe survey. If you decide to stop taking the survey and leave please take theunfinished survey with you to discard to assure your privacy. Each statement isresponded to by circling the most correct number under each statement. Youranswers are numbered from 1 through 4. Below is a chart explaining the ratingfor each answer. 1. Totally disagree or None of the time 2. Disagree somewhat orSometimes 3. Agree somewhat or Usually 4. Totally agree or All the time ConsentForm Date____________ I, _________________________, state that I am over 18years of age and that I voluntarily agree to participate in a research projectconducted by ______________ psychology st udent at ______. The research is beingconducted in order to better understand the need for HIV and SexuallyTransmitted Disease education. The specific task I will perform requires me tofill out a survey about my beliefs about HIV and sexually transmitted diseases,my chances of getting the HIV virus and my beliefs concerning condom use andsafe sex practices.. I will not be asked to identify myself in relation to thesurvey which I fill out. I acknowledge that ______________ has explained thetask to me fully; has informed me that I may withdraw from participation at anytime without prejudice or penalty; has offered to answer any questions I mighthave concerning the research procedure; has assured me that any information thatI give will be used for research purposes only and will be kept confidential. Ialso acknowledge that the benefits derived from, or rewards given for, myparticipation have been fully explained to me-as well as alternative methods ifavailable, for earning these reward s-and that I have been promised, uponcompletion of the research task, a brief description of the role my specificperformance plays in this project. There will be no reimbursement for yourparticipation from me (_____________) or the school. _____________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF RESEARCHER SIGNATURE OF PARTICIPANT__________________ Education Needed for AIDS, HIV and Sexually TransmittedDiseases Abstract Results of the survey have shown a need for additionaleducation of males concerning AIDS awareness and education. Females, (89%) didvery well on the variable which was measured for satisfactory knowledge andawareness of AIDS and sexually transmitted disease. Males, (65%) did also scorewell on this variable. This leaves us with 35% of the males needing moreeducation and 11% of the females needing to increase there awareness andeducation. The rather large number of males needing further education tend tosupport my hypotheses that yes more education is necessa ry. On the whole, peopleare better informed than had originally been hypothesized. Measures Survey Myage is___________ My sex is___________ My education level is______________ Checkone, I am single _________, married __________, divorced __________ I havechildren and their ages are 1-10 _____, 11-15______, 16-20_____, 21+ _____ 1. Aids is a lower income and gay problem, I dont need to worry. 2. I would nevergo out with someone who was HIV positive, or who had AIDS. 3. I worry about mychildrens future and them getting AIDS or other sexually transmitted diseases. 4. People now have fewer sex partners due to AIDS. 5. People use condoms morefrequently because of AIDS. 6. I would be comfortable eating lunch with someonewith HIV or AIDS. 7. People do not use condoms as much after they have beendrinking. 8. People know enough about AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases. 9. I would be comfortable shaking hands with someone who has AIDS. 10. As long asyou only have one sex partner you are safe. 11. I dont worry about sexuallytransmitted diseases. 12. I believe that our educational system has beeneffective in presenting AIDS related information to students. 13. I am very wellinformed about HIV, AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. 14. We spendtoo much money on AIDS related research. It would be better spent on cancerresearch which is more important. 15. I do not think HIV and AIDS is such a bigproblem anymore. 16. I would not have unprotected sex with someone unless theygot tested first. 17. People are more likely to become sexually involved if theyhave been drinking. 18. I would feel comfortable discussing condom use with apotential sexual partner before ever having any sexual contact. 19. Most singlepeople usually have had a few drinks before they have sex. 20. People who getHIV and AIDS kind of deserve it for being stupid1-2-34 Circle 1 for to tally disagree 2for somewhat disagree 3 for somewhat agree 4 totally agreeBibliographyNicholas D. Ritchie, PhD, and Adelaide Getty, RN, BHS, CHES (1994). Did anAIDS peer education program change first-year college students behaviors? Thejournal of American college Health , January vol 42, 163-166 Dona Schneider,PhD, MPH; Micheal R. Greenberg, PhD; Monica Devanas, PhD; Anu Sajja, MPH; FernGoodhart, CHES; and David Burns, AM (1994). Evaluating HIV/AIDS Education in theUniversity Setting. Journal of American College Health, vol 43, 11-15. JamesJaccard, PhD; Ruth Andrea Levinson, PhD; and Luann Beamer, MA. (1994). StudentOpinion Leaders and HIV/AIDS Knowledge and Risk Behavior. Journal of AmericanCollege Health, 1995, vol 43, (5) March, p 216- 223 Barbara A De Buono,M.D.,M.P.H., Stephen H Zinner, M.D., Maxim Daamen, M.D., and William M. McCormack,M.D. (1989). Sexual behavior of college women in 1975, 1986, and 1989. NewEngland Journal of Medicine, 1990 vol 322 (12), March. P 821-825 Rob in GSawyer,Phd, and Donald J. Moss, MD. (1993). Sexually transmitted diseases incollege men: A preliminary clinical investigation. Journal of American CollegeHealth 1993, vol 42 (3) November, p111-115 Anita Raj, M.S., and Robert HPollack, PhD., (1995). Factors predicting High-Risk sexual behavior inhetrosexual college females. Journal of sex and marital Therapy, Vol. 21, No.3,Fall, 213-223 Francoise S. Kusseling, MOB; Neil S. Wenger, MD, MPH; and MartinF. Shapiro, MD, PhD. (1995). Inconsistent Contraceptive Use Among Female CollegeStudents: Implications for Intervention. Vol 43,march191-194 Tina M. Brien,MSEd;Dennis L. Thombs, PhD; Colleen A. Mahoney,PhD; and Larry Wallnau, PhD. Dimensions of Self-Efficacy Among Three Distinct Groups of Condom Users. Journalof American College Health Vol 42 January Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report,Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1996 Vol. 45, No. 6 February 16Philip W Meilman PhD. Alcohol Induced Sexual Behavior on Campus. Journal ofAmerican College Health. Vol 42, (1) July 1993 p 27-31
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